





The single epoxide compound has better dilution effect, and aliphatic type has better dilution effect than aromatic type. The use of active diluents of single epoxide compounds will reduce the thermal deformation temperature, which is due to the decrease in crosslinking density of the cured products due to its use. The active diluent of polycyclic compounds is less important. The amount of thinner for normal epoxy compound is generally less than that of resin 30%..
B. polycyclic oxygenate diluent
If the dosage of the multi epoxide diluents and the proper curing mode, the crosslinking density will not be reduced, so the mechanical strength and the chemical resistance of the compound are higher, but the same dilution effect will be much higher. The two and tricyclic compounds of short chain and ring structure have little effect on the thermal deformation temperature of the cured products, while the long carbon chain diluents have great influence on the thermal deformation temperature, but after use, the bending strength and impact strength can be improved, and the brittleness of epoxy is changed. Some brominated epoxy compounds not only have general diluents to reduce the viscosity of epoxy resin, but also have flame retardancy. The self extinguishing effect can be achieved with the inorganic flame retardant aluminum hydroxide and the three oxidation of antimony two.
C. aldehyde and ketone active diluent
由于非活性稀释剂存在环保及收缩方面的问题,活性稀释剂又存在稀释效果不良,降低热变形温度的缺点,在一定程度上制约了环氧的发展。为此我国广大科学工作者通过几十年的研究,成功开发了另一种不含有环氧基化合物的稀释剂即醛酮活性稀释剂。代表单位有中科院广化所、长江水利委员会长江科学院,代表产品有高渗透改性环氧系列材料,如:中化798、400#、YDSDG金属穿线管 不锈钢链板 隔离墩模具 检查井钢模具 流水槽模具 阶梯护坡模具 护坡砖模具 遮板模具 及CW系列等。为此下面单独详细加以论述。
Because of the problems of environmental protection and shrinkage of inactive diluents, active diluents have the disadvantages of poor dilution effect and lower thermal deformation temperature, which restricts the development of epoxy to a certain extent. For this reason, scientists in China have successfully developed another kind of diluent, aldehyde and ketone active diluent, which does not contain epoxy compounds through decades of research. The representative units are the Guanghua Institute of CAS and the Yangtze River Science Institute of the Yangtze River Water Conservancy Commission. The representative products are highly permeable and modified epoxy series materials, such as 798, 400#, YDS and CW series. To this end, the following is discussed in detail.


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